Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ramblings - Thought Vomit - To Do's To Don't - Girl Talk

It seems every time I start to blog something, I stop.  Or, every time I say I'll blog, I don't.  So, today, I'll blog.  I'm due some brain vomit time.  I've had so much on my mind and my plate lately, that I want to sit and do nothing...just stare at a blank wall and try in a desperate attempt to sort out all of my to dos.  The unfortunate part?  Nothing gets accomplished. 

I think I need an accountability partner for my to-do lists.  Whether it include working out, cleaning, running errands, shipping, feeding my kids...ha, whatever it may be, I need someone who can keep me in line! 

That said, allow me to flush my brain on a blog and get on with life. 

1.  I started my day in an argument with my mom.  I hate arguing with my mom.  I hate that she thinks I'm being "hateful" just because I disagree with something she says.  It doesn't matter how sweetly I explain my defense, my defense still remains a defense, which would have to mean she offended...and well, let's face it, she would NEVER say anything offensive.  (Insert sarcastic wink wink nudge nudge here.)

2.  My original plan for this day was to go to my mom's and clean house for her.  I got the kids off to school at 7 and planned to leave and go to her house.  At 7:14, the argument was in full bloom.  Needless to say, I suddenly didn't feel like cleaning house for her.  Does that make me a bad person?  Probably.  SO, instead I worked on social media stuff for my businesses.

3.  My mom is...not exactly well versed in technology.  Well, she does fine without assistance, but she needs a little help.  I enjoy it, so, I don't mind.  SO, today I created a Twitter and Pinterest for our flea market.  I linked everything together with our Facebook.  Through out a shout out or two for each, plus eBay and Etsy, and felt real cool.  Then, I added apps of everything to the business iPhone in *hopes* to teach my momma how to utilize each one.  I'm hoping she enjoys it. 

4.  I am sick.  My nose is pouring a Kentucky rain, my throat is sprouting quills, my chest has definitely got an elephant birthing another elephant, and my eyes...well, the elephants have surely spit hot sauce in them.  That said,  I haven't felt like dealing with much today.  I've piddled and done dishes, picked up the den, and even made food, but that's really just about it.  I feel lazy.

5.  Freeform, yo!  I think I'm gonna give it a whirl.  I have so many different types of yarn.  I've cosidering listing them online and letting 'em go, but when it comes down to it...I want to use it!  So, I will.  I think I'll start tonight.

Tomorrow will be a better day.  I know this.  Breakfast and then taxes with the bestie!  I reckon if you're gonna have to do taxes, it's best to have a friend to do it with? 

A freeform follow-up will happen!  Just wait and see.  Also, I may do some before and after pics around the house and flea market.  :)  Stay tuned.

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