Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Operation Get-My-Kids-To-Be-Clean...er

Maybe I'm having a mid-midlife crisis.  Maybe I'm just a big bad meanie.  Maybe I am the problem.  Maybe I'm just like everyone else.  Whatever it be, it be.  I'm Jess, aka "Supermom", "Mom of the Year", "Crazy", well, just pick one.  Just don't tell me which one you choose; I'll pretend I already know. 

Kids!  Right?  Ha.  If only that summed up all that was on my mind.  It doesn't, but what will is this:

My kids are the messiest critters in the house, no! State!, no! Everywhere!...they're the messiest kids out of the everywhere!  Ya ever feel that way?

My kids are ages 4, 9, and 10.  Two boys, one girl, with the girl in the middle.  My house looks like something between Better Homes and Gardens, the local swap meet, and Hoarders.  It really just depends on the day, time of day, and which room you just walked in to. 

I've yelled until my voice has grown a horse, or gone hoarse, but either way...it's a mess on top of a mess.  My kids have been grounded from everything, including life, sometimes breathing, but they always laugh when I say that!  I've helped clean their rooms, the den, the toys, the yard, the kitchen, the bathrooms, the laundry, their rooms, their bathroom, the hall, their rooms, well, you get the point.  I've helped!  I've shown them where this and that and the other looks best and where it should and needs to go.  I've explained that it could only take 20 minutes to do what they do in 7 hours, because they won't just focus and get it done.  I've even used bribery!  (Don't lecture me.)

I. am. at. the. end. of. my. rope!  Where is my rope, anyway?!  Who would know in this mess!?

All this to say, today we will start Operation Get-My-Kids-To-Be-Clean...er.  It has to be an "Operation", because things MUST be removed, some may even need to be sewn back up... you just never know in my house!  Stick around and follow this adventure.  Pics will follow.  Some will be very scary, but stick around, you might learn something...like, "What not to do!".  :)

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